

Below are links to scores that I have prepared in connection with performances and research. I’ve performed and recorded some of these compositions; others are works that I’ve written about or studied when modern editions were not available. A few of these scores are accompanied by commentaries about sources and readings, but most were not intended to serve as critical editions. They are listed alphabetically by composer. Pieces are for solo keyboard if not otherwise designated.

Latest additions: arrangements of songs in The Beggar’s Opera by John Gay (listed below under the original composer-arranger Pepusch).


Courantes from the Lynar manuscript: keyboard pieces attributed to La Barre, Gautier, and Ballard from an early 17th-century German (?) manuscript (midi file)

Dances from GB Lbl Add. 23623: a courante “La Reine” (Elizabeth of Bohemia), an untitled piece, a Canarie, and a rigadoun (?) from an early 17th-century Dutch manuscript (midi file)

Fantasia from GB Lbl Add. 29486: a keyboard piece from an early 17th-century English (?) manuscript

Fantasia and suite in A minor from the Lynar manuscript: keyboard pieces sometimes attributed to Froberger

Ariosti, Attilio

Il naufragio, cantata for alto, 2 violins, and continuo (parts: vn1, vn2, bc)

Bach, Carl Philipp Emanuel

Keyboard sonatas, concertos, and other works (listed in separate file)

Bach, Johann Christian

Early works for solo keyboard
Sonata in A minor
Sonata in A-flat
Toccata in B-flat minor
Sonata in B-flat
Sonata in G for two keyboards, op. 15, no. 5

Bach, Johann Sebastian

Completions of fragmentary keyboard works

Suites, sonatas, and partitas for solo instruments, arranged for keyboard

Songs, Arias, and Chorales from the Little Keyboard Book for Anna Magdalena Bach, 1725: realizations and arrangements for solo keyboard

Flute sonatas: BWV 1032 in A (completion of first movement; part: fl)
BWV 1034 in E minor (complete score with continuo realization)
BWV 1035 in E (complete score with continuo realization)

Cantata Selig ist der Mann BWV 57 (parts: vn1/ob1; vn2/ob2; va/ob3; vc/bn/bs; b.c. realization)

Cantata Ich habe genung BWV 82 (reconstruction of version in E minor for soprano with flute and strings) (parts: fl; vn1; vn2; va; vc/bs; b.c. realization)

Triple concerto BWV 1044 (with reconstructions of possible early forms of the 2d movement; parts: fl; solo vn; vn1; vn2; va; vc/bs; solo keyboard).

Trio sonata in G BWV 1038, attributed to J.S. Bach but possibly composed jointly by himself and C.P.E. Bach: reconstruction of putative original version for violin, viola, and basso continuo
score; parts: violin; viola; basso; basso continuo with realization
recording (scroll down or search for “BWV 1038”)

Bach, Wilhelm Friedemann

Keyboard pieces, concertos, and a major vocal composition (listed in separate file); included here are compositions identified since the publication of my book on the composer in 2010

Benda, Franz

Sonata in C minor for viola and basso continuo
score with continuo realization
editorial commentary
click here for a recorded performance by Georgina McKay Lodge (viola) with the author

Bernier, Nicolas

Le caffé
, cantata for soprano, flute or violin, and basso continuo
score with basso continuo realization
parts: flute or violin; basso continuo
recording (Sylvia Maisonet, soprano; live performance, Wagner College, Oct. 25, 2017)

Biffi, Antonio

Amante moribondo: a cantata for soprano and basso continuo, the latter realized by J. S. Bach (reconstruction of Bach’s fragmentary copy included as an appendix in a paper on that subject)

Bull, John
(various things left out of the edition of his keyboard music in Musica britannica)

Chromatic Pavan (“Queen Elizabeth’s Pavan”): alternate variation of final strain by Benjamin Cosyn (midi file)

Fantasia 3 on “Vestiva i colli”: Bull’s third composition based on subjects from Palestrina’s madrigal (midi file)

Pavan and Galliard “Sinfonia” (midi file)

Six courantes from GB Lbl Add. 23623: dances with somewhat doubtful attributions from the “Messaus” manuscript (midi file)

Byrd, William.
These scores illustrate points I have tried to make in several talks and publications about sources, editions, and performance of Byrd’s keyboard music.

Prelude and Fantasia in A minor, BK 12-13 (midi file)

Lachrymae Pavan and Harding’s Galliard, BK 54-55: elaborated keyboard versions of pieces by John Dowland and James Harding (midi files: Dowland; Harding)

Caccini, Francesca

Six vocal works: O vive rose; Chi desia di saper (with guitar); Dov’io credea (aria di Romanesca); Deh chi gia mai potra (ottave di Romanesca); La pastorella mia (ottave di Romanesca); Laudate Dominum (motet)

Castello, Dario

Sonata II for soprano solo, from Sonate concertate in stil moderno, book 2

Frescobaldi, Girolamo

Three toccatas from Chigi 25

“Toccata di Roma” (attributed to “Hieronimo Ferrabosco”)

Canzona 1 from “Fioretti di Frescobaldi” (performance version)

Froberger, Johann Jacob

Fantasia and Suite in A minor from LyA, pp. 327-31 (sometimes attributed to Froberger)

Two “Partien” (suites) with programmatic titles bearing unlikely attributions to Froberger:
Der Clavier Trampler (Partie in E)
Der naseweise Orgelprobierer (Partie in B-flat)

Gesualdo, Carlo

Canzon franzese del principe (simple and embellished versions shown together)

Graun, Carl Heinrich

Sonata in C for cello and basso continuo, GraunWV B.17.53
score  score with realized basso continuo
click here for a recorded performance by Eva Lymenstull (cello) with the author

Graun, Johann Gottlieb

Quartet in D for viola or viola da gamba, flute or violin, second violin, and basso continuo GraunWV A:14:1 (this work treats the viola/gamba as the principal or solo part; there are distinct versions for viola and for gamba respectively)
score and commentary (both versions)
parts (for viola version): flute/violin; violin 2; viola; continuo; realized continuo
recording (Georgina McKay Lodge, viola; live performance, Wagner College, Oct. 25, 2017)

Sonata in A for violin and obbligato keyboard GraunWV C.15.90
This work is also preserved as a trio sonata for flute and violin, or two violins, with continuo.

Sonata in B-flat for viola and obbligato keyboard GraunWV Cv.15.132

Sonata in B-flat for violin and obbligato keyboard GraunWV Av.15.46
part: violin
editorial commentary
performance version including cadenzas, etc.
recording by Augusta McKay Lodge with the author

Sonata in C minor for viola and obbligato keyboard GraunWV Av.15.20
part: viola
recording by Georgina McKay Lodge with the author

Trio sonata in A for violin, viola, and basso continuo GraunWV Av.15.42
parts: violin; viola; basso; basso continuo with realization
editorial commentary

Trio sonata in B-flat for violin, viola, and basso continuo GraunWV A.15.16
This work is also playable as a duet for viola and obbligato keyboard, and it is preserved in alternate versions for flute and violin or flute and viola (with continuo)

Trio sonata in G for two violins and continuo GraunWV A.15.11 (described in one source as “Sanguineus and Melancholicus,” like the Programm-Trio by C.P.E. Bach)
parts: violin 1; violin 2; continuo
recording (played on violin and obbligato harpsichord, Jude Ziliak, violin)
version for flute, violin, and continuo; parts: flute; violin; continuo

Handel, George Frideric

Armida abbandonata
HWV 105, cantata for soprano, 2 violins, and basso continuo:
score with basso continuo realization
string parts (players will probably prefer to play from scores except in the aria no. 5)
recording (Sylvia Maisonet, soprano: live performance, Wagner College, Oct. 25, 2017)

Organ concerto in F, op. 4, no. 4 (HWV 292, arrangement for solo keyboard with embellishments and cadenzas)

Suite in C minor for two harpsichords HWV 446 (with reconstruction of first part)

Quartet in B-flat for flute, violin, viola, and basso continuo (assuredly not by Handel, but attributed to him in a manuscript copy that is of interest as having belonged to Sara Levy; see p. 1 of the score): score; audio (midi)

Hasse, Johann Adolf

Bell’Aurora, cantata for alto, flute, and continuo (part: fl)

“Digli ch’io son fedele” from Cleofide, with embellishments and cadenza by Frederick II “the Great” of Prussia

Jacquet de La Guerre, Elizabeth

Susanne, cantata for soprano and basso continuo; score with continuo realization; text and translation

Janitsch, Johann Gottlieb

Trio sonata in G minor for violin, viola, and basso continuo
parts: violin  viola  basso  basso continuo (realized)

Kirnberger, Johann Philipp

Sonata in C for cello and continuo

Krebs, Johann Ludwig

Double concerto in B minor for keyboard, flute (?), and strings (score)
flute part

Mara, Ignaz

Concerto in E-flat for viola, strings, and continuo
same, with a hypothetical reconstruction of the solo part for cello

Pasquini, Bernardo

Suite in F (no. 3 from the autograph manuscript Berlin, Staatsbibliothek, L.215)

Pasquini, Ercole

Romanesche (keyboard variations on La Romanesca)

Toccata in G (Shindle no. 6, Kenyon no. 8)

Pepusch, John Christopher

Music for The Beggar’s Opera by John Gay
notes on my arrangements
overture:  score  audio
songs in Act 1 (incorporating Pepusch’s basses):  score  audio
songs in Act 2 (incorporating Pepusch’s basses):  score  audio
songs in Act 3 (incorporating Pepusch’s basses):  score  audio
a spreadsheet listing songs, their sources, characters who sing them, etc.

Purcell, Henry

“Dido’s Lament” from Dido and Aeneas, for soprano, strings, and continuo (parts: vn1, vn2, va, bc)

Racquet, Charles

Fantasia in d (from a manuscript inserted into a Paris copy of Mersenne’s Harmonie universelle) (midi file)

Quantz, Johann Joachim

Sonata in B minor for flute 1, flute 2 or violin, and continuo, QV 2:43 (parts: fl1, fl2/vn, vc; cadenza for mvt. 3)

Sonata in C for flute, recorder, and continuo, QV 2:Anh.3 (parts: fl, rec, vc; cadenza for mvt. 3)

Soncino, Emanuel

Two pieces: a fragmentary prelude, completed editorially, and a chromatic fantasia, both from early seventeenth-century English manuscripts (midi file)

Telemann, Georg Philipp

Concerto in G for two concertato violins, two ripieno violins, viola, and continuo, TWV 52:G2, preserved in, and in part edited from, a manuscript copy by J.S. Bach (midi audio file)

Ich will den Kreuzweg gerne gehen, TWV 1:884, a very early cantata for bass voice, violin, and basso continuo, on a text by Erdmann Neumeister (part: vn) (midi audio file)

“Horche nur, dort regt sich was,” the opening aria from the cantata TWV 1:806, which C.P.E. Bach praised for so vividly depicting fear and astonishment that the words are unnecessary (midi audio file)

Sonata (Concerto) in A for flute, violin (or oboe d’amore), and basso continuo, TWV 42:A9 (parts: fl, vn/ob, b.c.). I discussed this piece, probably one of Telemann’s earliest flute works, in an article in Bach Perspectives, vol. 7 (2008). From a performance at Chapel Hill, Jan. 13, 1998: mvt. 1; mvt. 2; mvt. 3

Woltman, Melchior

Lucidor: a mysterious piece attributed to “MW” in a German (?) early seventeenth-century manuscript (probably not Matthias Weckmann) (midi file)

C. P. E. Bach from Ashgate

Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach
edited by David Schulenberg
from Ashgate Publishing

This volume, published in 2015 as part of Ashgate’s “Late Eighteenth-Century Composers” series, gathers together important writings on all aspects of the life and music of Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach (1714–1788). The second son of the more famous Johann Sebastian Bach, C.P.E. Bach was an important figure in his own right, writing roughly one thousand compositions in virtually all the major eighteenth-century genres save for opera. Working first in Berlin and later in Hamburg, he was also known as a performer on keyboard instruments, and his two-volume Essay on that subject (known in German as the Versuch) remains a valuable source of information on eighteenth-century performance practice.

My introduction to the volume can serve as a guide to published scholarship on C. P. E. Bach. The introduction, together with a bibliography and a list of the 24 selections included in the volume, can be viewed here. Each selection comprises previously published material; some items are articles also available in online databases, but most are taken from hard-to-find sources that are not available electronically. The book falls into four parts titled (1) The composer and his works; (2) Individual compositions and their sources; (3) The Versuch and other writings; and (4) Performance and reception. Among the authors represented are Thomas Christensen, Christopher Hogwood, Mary Oleskiewicz, Annette Richards, Miklós Spányi, Christoph Wolff, and Peter Wollny.

The great majority of the material is in English. Newly published in this volume is the editor’s translation of an important early twentieth-century essay by Arnold Schering, as well as the editor’s overview of writings on C.P.E. Bach, which serves as introduction to the volume. An English version of an important article by Darrell M. Berg, originally published in German and reprinted here as “Carl Philipp Emanuel Bachs Umarbeitungen seiner Claviersonaten,” could not be accommodated within the new volume and therefore appears online here. I am grateful to the author for providing me with this English-language version of her article.


Discocgraphy and links to audio files for
Music of the Baroque
Music of the Baroque: An Anthology of Scores, third edition
by David Schulenberg (Oxford University Press, 2013)

Part 1 of this file lists recordings for Selections whose scores are included in the anthology. Part 2 lists recordings for musical examples in both volumes. The present file is for the third edition; click here for the discography for the second edition.
This list includes both commercial recordings and links to free online recordings, including several by the author. These links are included for the convenience of students and instructors, but I cannot vouch for their continuing availability, quality, completeness, or legal status. The inclusion of any link is not meant as a recommendation for or endorsement of a particular performance, nor is the failure to list any particular recording intended as a negative criticism.
An effort has been made to list accurate titles, label information, and dates for commercially issued recordings. Classical recordings, however, go in and out of publication quickly, and the same recording is often reissued on a different label or as part of a new compilation. Some recordings in this list may no longer be available under the title or label listed here, or they recordings may be available under alternate titles or on different labels (with new catalog numbers).
Most classical music recordings on CD are accompanied by booklets or inserts that include informative program notes, complete lists of performers, and original texts and translations (for vocal works). Although an increasing number of the recordings listed here are also available as downloads from online music sites, the original booklet inserts are not always included. When purchasing audio downloads, check whether the vendor’s order pages indicate “booklet / liner notes available” or the like (as on the site http://www.classicsonline.com/). If available, such files (which are usually in pdf format) should be included in any downloaded material.
Part 1: Selections in Music of the Baroque: An Anthology of Scores
1. Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina: Dum complerentur (motet)
Music of the Sistine Chapel. Taverner Choir; Parrott, Andrew, dir. EMI Classics. HMV 5743712
Palestrina: Mass for Pentecost/Five Motets. Christ Church Cathedral Choir; Stephen Darlington, dir. [Wyastone Leys, Monmouth, Wales] : Nimbus, [1988], 1987. NI 5100
Online recordings:
Musica Spei (video)
unidentified performers (mislabeled as Palestrina’s Missa Dum complerentur)
2. Orlande de Lassus: Timor et tremor (motet)
The Flemish masters. Vol. 1: Netherlanders in Italy in the 16th century. Pomerium Musices; Alexander Blachly, dir. Brooklyn, N.Y.: Classic Masters, 1989.
Roland de Lassus: Missa ad imitationem moduli Vinum bonum; Magnificat super Aurora lucis rutilat; Motets. Ricercar Consort; La Fenice ; Peter Phillips, dir. France: Ricercar, [1995?]. RIC 155141
Orlandus Lassus: Missa Osculetur me. Tallis Scholars; Peter Phillips, dir. Oxford: Gimell, 1989. CDGIM 018
Great European Choral Works. The Sixteen; Harry Christophers, dir. Coro, 2012 (download only?)
Online recordings:
Vokal Ensemble München (video)
3. Claudio Monteverdi: Luci serene (madrigal)
Claudio Monteverdi: Quarto libro dei madrigali. Concerto Italiano; Rinaldo Alessandrini, dir. Paris: Opus 111, 1993. OPS 30-81
Monteverdi: Madrigals. Consort of Musicke; Anthony Rooley, dir. London: Editions de l’Oiseau-Lyre, [1997], 1982-86. 455 718-2 Editions de l’Oiseau-Lyre; 455 719-2-455 720-2
Monteverdi: Flaming Heart. I Fagiolini; Robert Hollingworth, dir. Colchester: Chandos Records, 2006. CHAN 0730
Online recordings:
4. Giulio Caccini: Sfogava con le stelle (continuo madrigal)
Il circolo di Giulio CacciniLa Nuova Musica; David Bates, dir. 2008
Virtuoso Italian Vocal Music. Catherine Bott, soprano. London: Éditions de l’Oiseau-Lyre, 1988. Oiseau-Lyre 417 260-2
Robert Dowland: A Musicall Banquet (1610). Consort of Musicke; Anthony Rooley, dir. London: Éditions de l’Oiseau-Lyre, 1979. Oiseau-Lyre DSLO 555
Online recording:
To hear the two examples that illustrate the commentary (performed by the author on harpsichord), click here.
5 Claudio Monteverdi: Orfeo (opera)
Claudio Monteverdi: L’Orfeo. Furio Zanasi, Montserrat Figueras, Arianna Savall Sara Mingardo, Adriana Fernández; Le Concert des Nations; Jordi Savall, dir. BBC/Opus Arte, 2002. OA 0842D
Claudio Monteverdi: Orfeo. Catherine Bott; Julia Gooding; John Mark Ainsley; Tessa Bonner; New London Consort; Philip Pickett, dir. London: Editions de L’Oiseau-Lyre, 1992. 433 545-2 Editions de L’Oiseau-Lyre; 433 546-2 Editions de L’Oiseau-Lyre; 433 547-2 Editions de L’Oiseau-Lyre
Claudio Monteverdi: Orfeo. Chiaroscuro; London Baroque; Nigel Rogers and Charles Medlam, dir. Hayes, Middlesex, England: EMI, 1984. EX 157 270131-3
Online recording:
Jordi Savall, dir. (video of the complete opera; textbook selections begin at 25:47, 31:07)
6. Pier Francesco Cavalli: Calisto (opera)
Cavalli: La Calisto. Lisa Saffer, Bernard Delatray, Christine Abraham, Drew Minter; Glimmerglass Opera; Jane Glover, dir. BBC Music Magazine, Vol. 5, No. 3 (1996).
Cavalli: La Calisto. DVD. Maria Bayo, Louise Winter, Sonia Theodoridou, Robin Tyson, Graham Pushee, Dominique Visse, Barry Banks, Alexander Oliver, Hans Peter Kammerer, Marcello Lippi, Reinhardt Dorn; Concerto Vocale; René Jacobs, dir. Arles: Harmonia Mundi, 2006. HMD9909001.02
7. Barbara Strozzi: Ardo in tacito foco (cantata or strophic aria)
To the Unknown Goddess: A Portrait of Barbara Strozzi. Catherine Bott, soprano. Elstree, Hertfordshire: Carlton Classics, 1996. 30366 00412 Carlton Classics
Barbara Strozzi: Arie, lamenti e cantate. Susanne Rydén, soprano; Musica Fiorita. Arles: Harmonia Mundi France, p2000. HMC 905249
Barbara Strozzi: Arias and Duets. Jennifer Lane, mezzo-soprano; New York Baroque; Eric Milnes, dir. Troy, N.Y.: Dorian Recordings, 2001. DOR-93218
Online recording:
Catherine Bott
8. Alessandro Scarlatti: Correa nel seno amato (cantata)
A. Scarlatti: Belle madre de’ fiori: Cantates. Maria Cristina Kiehr; Concerto Soave; Jean-Marc Aymes, dir. Arles: Harmonia Mundi, 2001. HMC 901725
Alessandro Scarlatti: Correa nel seno amato; Variations on La folia; Già lusingato appieno.
Lynne Dawson, soprano; Purcell Quartet. London: Hyperion, 1989. CDA66254 Hyperion
A. Scarlatti: Diana & Endimione; Ero & Leandro; Correa nel sen amato. Jacqueline Nicolas, soprano. Aix-en-Provence: Pierre Verany, 1990. PV.790013 Disques Pierre Verany
Online recording:
Maria Cristina Kiehr (sinfonia)
Maria Cristina Kiehr (“Fresche brine” at 0:53, recitative “Ma voi” at 6:15)
Maria Cristina Kiehr (“Onde belle”)
9. Henry Purcell: From Rosy Bowers (cantata)
Portrait of Emma Kirkby. Emma Kirkby, soprano. London: Editions de L’Oiseau-Lyre, 1982. DSLO 607 Editions de L’Oiseau-lyre
Henry Purcell: Music For a While. Catherine Bott, soprano; Academy of Ancient Music; Christopher Hogwood, dir. London: Editions de l’Oiseau-Lyre, 1994. 443 195-2 L’Oiseau-Lyre
Henry Purcell: From Rosy Bow’rs. Sally Sanford, soprano; Brent Wissick, bass viol; Raymond Erickson, harpsichord. Albany, NY; Albany Records, 1994. TROY 127
10. Jean-Baptiste Lully: Armide (opera)
Jean-Baptiste Lully: The Tragedy of Armide. Stephanie Houtzeel, Robert Getchell; Opera Lafayette; Ryan Brown, dir. Naxos, 2008. 8.660209-10
Lully: Armide. DVD. Stephanie d’Oustrac, Paul Agnew; Les Arts Florissants; William Christie, dir. FRA Musica FRA005, 2011
Online recordings:
Christophe Rousset (video, overture)
Stephanie d’Oustrac (video, “Enfin, il est en ma puissance”)
11. Giovanni Gabrieli: In ecclesiis (concertato motet)
Giovanni Gabrieli: Music For San Rocco (1608). Gabrieli Consort & Players; Paul McCreesh, dir. Hamburg: Deutsche Grammophon, 1996. 449 180-2 Deutsche Grammophon; 449 180-2 Archiv
Venetian Church Music. Taverner Consort, Choir and Players; Andrew Parrott, dir. Hayes, Middlesex: EMI, 1991. EMI CDC 7 54117 2
The Feast of San Rocco, Venice, 1608. La Capella Ducale; Musica Fiata Köln; Roland Wilson, dir. New York: Sony Classical, 1995. S2K 66254 Sony Classical; 64591 Sony Classical; 64592 Sony Classical
Online recording:
Festival Oude Muziek (video, Aug. 24, 2012, Utrecht Cathedral)
12. Heinrich Schütz: Saul, Saul, was verfolgst du mich? SWV 415 (concertato motet)
H. Schütz: Symphoniae sacrae III. Musica Fiata; Kammerchor Stuttgart; Frieder Bernius, conductor. Freiburg: Deutsche Harmonia Mundi, 1989. 7910 Deutsche Harmonia Mundi
Heinrich Schütz: Musikalische Exequien; Motetten und Konzerte. Monteverdi Choir; English Baroque Soloists; John Eliot Gardiner, dir. Hamburg: Polydor, 1988. Archiv Produktion 423 405-2
Online recording:
Victoria Consort (video)
13. Giacomo Carissimi: Jephte (oratorio)
Roman Oratorios. Cantus Cölln. Freiburg: Deutsche Harmonia Mundi, 1995. Deutsche Harmonia Mundi 05472 77322 2 (distributed by BMG)
Iacomo Carissimi: Jephthah; The Judgement of Solomon; Jonah. Gabrieli Consort & Players; Paul McCreesh, dir. Eltham, London: Meridian, 1995. CDE 84304 Meridian
Carissimi: Jephte, Jonas (Oratorios). Consortium Carissimi; Vittorio Zanon, dir. Naxos 8.557390 (2005).
Online recording:
Le Parlement de Musique (“Cum autem victor” at 4:15)
Le Parlement de Musique (“Cum videsset”)
Le Parlement de Musique (“Plorate” at 3:10)
14. Charpentier Frigidae noctis umbra H. 414 (oratorio)
Marc-Antoine Charpentier: Noëls and Christmas Motets. Aradia Ensemble; Kevin Mallon, dir. Naxos 8.554514 (1999).
Marc-Antoine Charpentier. Les antiennes “O” de l’Avent; Noel sur les instruments; In nativitatem D.N.J.C. canticum. Les Arts Florissants; William Christie, dir. [France]: Harmonia Mundi France, p1990. 0905124 Harmonia Mundi
Online recordings:
Montclair State University Singers (video)
Les Arts Florissants
15. George Frideric Handel: Orlando (opera)
Handel: Orlando. Arleen Auger, Emma Kirkby, sopranos; Catherine Robbin, mezzo-soprano; James Bowman, countertenor; David Thomas, bass; Academy of Ancient Music; Christopher Hogwood, conductor. London: Decca, 1991. 430 845-2 L’Oiseau-Lyre
Handel: Orlando. DVD. Marijana Mijanovic, Martina Jankovà, Katharina Peetz; Orchestra of the Zürich Opera; William Christie, dir. Arthaus Musik 101309 (2008).
Handel: Orlando. Rosemary Joshua, Rosa Mannion, sopranos; Patricia Bardon, mezzo-soprano; Hilary Summers, contralto; Harry van der Kamp, bass; Les Arts Florissants; William Christie, dir. Paris: Erato, 1996. 0630-14636-2 Erato
Online recordings of individual arias:
Anne-Kathryn Olsen (video, “O care parolette”)
Martina Jankova (video, “Se fedel vuoi)
Bejun Mehta (video, “Fammi combattere”)
16. Jean-Philippe Rameau: Les indes galantes (opéra-ballet)
Jean-Philippe Rameau: Les indes galantes. DVD. Paris Opera; William Christie, dir. Opus Arte, 2005. OA 0923D (not the same performance as the following).
Les Indes Galantes. Claron McFadden, Sandrine Piau, Isabelle Poulenard, Noémi Rime, Miriam Ruggeri, sopranos; Howard Crook, Jean-Paul Fouchécourt, tenors; Jérôme Corréas, Nicolas Rivenq, baritones; Bernard Delétré, bass; Les Arts Florissants; William Christie, dir. Arles: Harmonia Mundi, 1991. HMC 901367.69
Online recordings:
unidentified performance (“La terre, les cieux”)
William Christie (video, complete performance; our selections begin at 2:31:50 and 2:47:26)
William Christie (video, “Les sauvages” alone)
17. Johann Sebastian Bach: Herr Jesu Christ, wahr’r Mensch und Gott, BWV 127 (sacred cantata)
There appear to be no available recordings using historical performing forces (the following all combine modern choral ensembles with “Baroque” instruments).
Johann Sebastian Bach: Das Kantatenwerk. Vol. 31. Sebastian Hennig, soprano; Kurt Equiluz, tenor; Max van Egmond, bass; Knabenchor Hannover; Collegium Vocale; Leonhardt-Consort; Gustav Leonhardt, dir. Hamburg : Teldec, 1982. Teldec 2292-42615-2
Johann Sebastian Bach: Cantatas, [volume] 34. Bach Collegium Japan; Masaaki Suzuki, dir. BIS SACD-1551
Bach: Jesu, deine Passion Cantatas BWV 22, 23, 127 & 159. Dorothee Mields,, Jan Kobow, Peter Kooy; Collegium Vocale Ghent; Philippe Herreweghe, dir. Harmonia Mundi, 2009. HMC 901998.
Online recording:
Philippe Herreweghe
18. George Frideric Handel: Jephtha (English oratorio)
George Frideric Handel: Jephtha. Lynne Dawson, Ruth Holton, sopranos; Anne Sofie von Otter, contralto; Michael Chance, countertenor; Nigel Robson, tenor; Stephen Varcoe, baritone; Monteverdi Choir; English Baroque Soloists; John Eliot Gardiner, dir. [Netherlands]: Philips, 1989. 422 351-2 Philips
Georg Friedrich Händel: Jephtha. Christiane Oelze (Iphis); Catherine Denley (Storge); Axel Kohler (Hamor); John Mark Ainsley (Jephtha); Michael George (Zebul); RIAS-Kammerchor; Akademie für alte Musik Berlin; Marcus Creed, dir. [Berlin?]: Berlin Classics, 1994. BC 1057-2 Berlin Classics
Online recording:
Marcus Creed (complete oratorio, textbook selections at 1:29:30 and 1:51:12)
19. Ennemond Gaultier, Pieces for Lute
Ennemond & Denis Gaultier: “Livre de luth de Perrine” 1680. Louis Pernot, lute. Denver: Ad Hoc Records, [r2004]. Ad Hoc 11
La Sudeoise: Music in Baroque Sweden. Tommie Andersson. Musica Rediviva, 1992. MRCD-003
La Belle Homicide: Manuscrit Barbe. Rolf Lislevand. Astrée, 2003. Naive E8880
Online recordings (original versions for lute):
a. Courante “L’immortelle”: unidentified performer
b. Allemande (Tombeau de Mesangeau): Masaaki Igarashi
c. Gigue “La Poste”: Xavier Diaz-Latorre
Click below to hear each piece performed by the author on harpsichord (Perrine’s transcriptions):
a. Courante “L’immortelle”
b. Allemande (Tombeau de Mesangeau)
c. Gigue “La Poste”
To hear the first example in the commentary, from an allemande by Gaultier (performed by the author on harpsichord), click here.
20. Girolamo Frescobaldi, Toccata 7 from Libro II
Girolamo Frescobaldi: Toccatas & Partitas. Fabio Bonizzoni, harpsichord. San Lorenzo de El Escorial: Glossa, 2012. GCD 921514.
Girolamo Frescobaldi: Il secondo libro di toccate, 1637. Marco Vitale, organ. Incipit Records, 2006. ICP 06001.
For a performance by the author, click here.
For a performance on the organ by Lorenzo Antinori, click here (video).
21. Elizabeth Jacquet de La Guerre: Suite 3 in A minor
Protégée of the Sun King: Music by Jacquet de La Guerre. Frances Conover Fitch, harpsichord. Baton Rouge: Centaur, 2005. CRC 2781/2782.
Sonates pour le viollon (1707). Byron Schenkman, harpsichord. Berkeley: Wildboar, 1996.
WLBR 9601
Elisabeth-Claude Jacquet de La Guerre: Harpsichord Suites Nos. 1–6. Elizabeth Farr, harpsichord. Naxos 8.557654-55 (2005).
Performances by the author:
a. Prélude
b. Allemande
c. [1ère] Courante
d. Sarabande
e. Gigue (mm. 1–5 only)
22. Dietrich Buxtehude: Praeludium in A Minor, BuxWV 153
Dieterich Buxtehude: Complete Organ Works Vol. 7. Harald Vogel, organ (Hamburg, St. Jacobi, by Schnitger). Detmold: Dabringhaus und Grimm, 2001. MDG 314 0427-2.
The Arp Schnidtger Organ at the St. Cosmae Church in Stade. Jacques van Oortmerssen, organ. Nippon Columbia, 1982, 1985. CM-7492 Denon
Piet Kee plays Bach & Buxtehude on the newly restored organ of St. Laurens, Alkmaar. Piet Kee, organ. Colchester: Chandos, 1989. CHAN 0501 Chandos; EBRD 0501 Chandos
Die authentische Orgel. Gustav Leonhardt, organ. Hamburg: RCA Red Seal, 1982. RL 30852 RCA Red Seal
Online recordings:
Rainer Oster (organ by Arp Schnitger, Hamburg—but only the score is shown!)
Connie Hensley Golden (video showing modern pedalboard and pedal technique)
23. Johann Sebastian Bach: Prelude and Fugue in G, BWV 860, from The Well-Tempered Clavier, Part 1
Johann Sebastian Bach: Das wohltemperierte Clavier. Davitt Moroney, harpsichord. [Arles, France]: Harmonia Mundi France, 1988. HMC 901285.88
Johann Sebastian Bach: Das wohltemperierte Clavier: Praludien und Fugen: Teil 1. Kenneth Gilbert, harpsichord. Hamburg : Archiv, 1984. 413 439-2 Archiv Produktion; 413 440-2 Archiv Produktion; 413 441-2 Archiv Produktion; 413 442-2 Archiv Produktion; 413 443-2 Archiv Produktion; 413 439-1 Archiv Produktion
Each movement performed by the author:
25. François Couperin: Vignt-unième ordre
François Couperin: Quatrième livre de clavecin. Kenneth Gilbert, harpsichord. Arles : Harmonia Mundi France, 1989. HMA 190359
François Couperin: Quatrième livre: Vingtième, vingt-unième, vingt-deuxième & vingt-troisième ordres. Blandine Verlet, harpsichord. [France]: Astree Auvidis, 1989. E 7760 Astree Auvidis; 7760 Astree
François Couperin: Quatrième livre de pièces de clavecin. Olivier Baumont, harpsichord. [France]: Musifrance, 1992. 2292-45824-2 Musifrance; 45824 Erato
Performed by the author:
La reine des cœurs
La Couperin
26. Salamone Rossi: Sonata sopra La Bergamasca
La Golferamma: Musica Italiana, 1600–1650. Le Concert Brisé; William Dongois, dir. Accent, 2002. ACC10402.
Rossi and his Circle: Italian String Music of the Late Renaissance. Rebel Consort; Jörg-Michael Schwarz, dir. PGM 118 (Dorian 93184).
Online recording:
Seattle Baroque Soloists (video)
27. Biagio Marini: Sonata variata for violin and continuo
Marini: Curiose e moderne inventioni. Romanesca; Andrew Manze, dir. Arles: Harmonia Mundi, 1997. HMX 2907175
Biagio Marini: Opus 8, Con curiose e moderne inventioni. CordArte. Goseck: Raumklang (Bayerischer Rundfunk), 2004. RK 2306
Stradella [et al.]: Early Italian Violin Sonatas. Convivium (Elizabeth Wallfisch, violin, et al.) London: Hyperion, 1998. CDA66985 Hyperion; 66985 Hyperion Records
Online recording:
Capriccio Stravagante
28. Heinrich Ignaz Franz Biber: Sonata 5 in E minor for violin and continuo (1681)
Biber: Violin Sonatas, 1681 [et al.]. Ensemble Sonnerie; Monica Hugget, violin. Gaudeamus, 2001. GAUD 203.
Heinrich Ignaz Franz von Biber: Violin Sonatas (1681). Gunar Letzbor, violin. Pan Classics, 2011. New Pan 10245.
Biber: Violin Sonatas. Andrew Manze, violin; Romanesca. Los Angeles: Harmonia Mundi USA, 1994. HMX 2907344.45
Online recording:
Jeanne Johnson (video)
29. Arcangelo Corelli: Sonata in C for violin and continuo, op. 5, no. 3
Corelli: Violin Sonatas, Op. 5. Andrew Manze, violin. Harmonia Mundi, 2003. HMU 907298.99
Arcangelo Corelli: Violin Sonatas op. 5. Trio Sonnerie. London: Virgin Classics, 1990. VCD 5 45078 2
Arcangelo Corelli: Violin Sonatas, op. 5. The Locatelli Trio (Elizabeth Wallfisch, violin; Paul Nicholson, harpsichord, organ; Richard Tunnicliffe, cello). London: Hyperion, 1990. CDA 66381-CDA 66382 Hyperion
Arcangelo Corelli: Trio Sonatas. London Baroque; Charles Medlam, dir. Köln: EMI, 1987. CDC 7 47965 2 EMI; CDC-47965 EMI
Online recording:
Conor Jacobson (video—the link is to the first movement, other movements follow)
30. Giuseppe Torelli: Sinfonia in D for trumpet, strings, and continuo, G. 8
Torelli: Concertos. Collegium Musicum 90; Simon Standage, dir. Colchester: Chandos, 2005. CHAN 0716
I cannot recommend any other recordings of this work that I have found. Further recordings may be available, but publishers and distributors do not identify tracks with sufficient clarity to indicate whether the many recordings of “concertos” and “sonatas” for trumpet and strings attributed to Torelli are of this work.
31. Arcangelo Corelli: Concerto grosso in G minor, op. 6, no. 8, “Christmas”
Arcangelo Corelli: Opera VI—Concerto Grossi, concerti 7–12. Modo Antiquo; Federico Maria Sardelli, dir. Tactus, 2004. TC 650308.
Twelve Concerti Grossi, Op. 6. Brandenburg Consort; Roy Goodman, dir. London: Hyperion, 1993. Hyperion CDA66741
Concerti grossi op. 6. Ensemble 415; Chiara Bianchini, dir. Saint-Michel de Provence: Harmonia Mundi France, 1992. HMC 901406.07
Arcangelo Corelli: Concerti grossi, op. 6. La Petite Bande; Sigiswald Kuijken, dir. Freiburg: Deutsche Harmonia Mundi, 1990. 77007-2-RG
Online recording:
Barocco Sempre Giovane (video, movements 1–3)
Barocco Sempre Giovane (video, movements 4–7)
32. Antonio Vivaldi: Concerto in E for violin, strings, and continuo, op. 3, no. 12 (R. 265)
Vivaldi: L’estro armonico. Jeanne Lamon, violin; Tafelmusik Baroque Orchestra. Analekta, 2007. AN 2 9834.
Antonio Vivaldi: L’Estro armonico op. 3, vol. 2. Accademia Bizantina; Ottavio Dantone, dir. Arts Music, 2002. ARTS 47647-8.
Vivaldi: L’estro armonico. Federico Guglielmo, violin; L’Arte dell’Arco; Christopher Hogwood, dir. Chandos, 2002. CHAN0689-90
Antonio Vivaldi: L’estro armonico, op. 3. The English Concert; Trevor Pinnock, dir. Hamburg: Archiv Produktion, 1987. Archiv Produktion: 423 094-1/2/4
Online recording:
Accademia Bizantina
33. Johann Sebastian Bach: Brandenburg Concerto no. 2 in F, BWV 1047
Bach: Brandenburg Concertos. Academy of Ancient Music; Richard Egarr, dir. Harmonia Mundi, 2009. HMU 807461.62.
J. S. Bach: The Six Brandenburg Concertos [et al.]. Apollo’s Fire; Jeannette Sorrell, dir. Avie Records, 2010. AV 2207.
J. S. Bach: Brandenburg Concertos. Freiburg Baroque Orchestra, directed by Friedrich von der Goltz (violin). DVD, filmed in the Cöthen castle where Bach may have first performed these works. Image Entertainment, 2000. ID0663EIDVD
J. S. Bach: Brandenburg Concertos; Concertos BWV 1060, 1062, 1064. Academy of Ancient Music; Christopher Hogwood, dir. London: Editions de Oiseau-Lyre, [1997], 1985. 455 700-2 (455 701-2–455 702-2) Editions de Oiseau-Lyre
Bach: Brandenburg Concerto no. 1 in F major, BWV 1046; Brandenburg Concerto no. 2 in F major, BWV 1047 ; Brandenburg Concerto no. 3 in G major, BWV 1048 ; Orchestral Suite no. 1 in C major, BWV 1066. Musica Antiqua Köln; Reinhard Goebel, dir. Hamburg : Polydor International, 1996. Archiv Produktion, 447287-2.
Online recording:
Freiburg Baroque Orchestra (video, first movement)
Freiburg Baroque Orchestra (video, second movement)
Freiburg Baroque Orchestra (video, third movement)
Part 2: Examples in Music of the Baroque (third edition)
Listed below are recordings of the complete works from which excerpts are given as examples in the textbook and anthology. Click here for a separate list of audio files for the examples themselves. See above for Selections in the anthology.
Example 3.1. Luzzaschi, La Primavera
Virtuoso Italian Vocal Music. Catherine Bott; New London Consort; Philip Pickett, dir. London: L’Oiseau-Lyre, 1988. 417 260-2 L’Oiseau-Lyre
The Secret Music of Luzzascho Luzzaschi. Musica Secreta (Deborah Roberts, Tessa Bonner, Suzie Leblanc, sopranos, et al.). Wotton-under-Edge, Glos., England: Amon Ra (distributed by Qualiton Imports), 1992. CD-SAR 58 Amon Ra
Online recording:
Salome Sandoval (video)
Example 3.2. Cavalieri, Godi turba mortal, from Intermedio VI for La Pellegrina
La Pellegrina: IOntermedii 1589. Capriccio Stravagante; Collegium Vocale Gent; Skip Sempé, dir. Paradizo, 2007. PA 0004.
La Pellegrin: Music for the Wedding of Ferdinando de’ Medici and Christine de Lorraine. Huelgas Ensemble; Paul van Nevel, dir. Sony Vivarte, 1998
Una “Stravaganza” dei Medici [sound recording]: Intermedi (1589) per “La pellegrina.” Tessa Bonner, Emma Kirkby, Emily van Evera, sopranos; Nigel Rogers, tenor; Taverner Consort; Taverner Choir; Taverner Players; Andrew Parrott, dir. [England?] : EMI, 1988. CDC 7 47998 2 EMI; 747998-2 EMI
Online recording:
Capriccio Stravagante (“Godi” begins at 5:20)
Example 4.1. Monteverdi, Lamento della ninfa
Monteverdi: Lamento della Ninfa. Concerto Italiano; Rinaldo Alessandrini, dir. Naïve, 2008. NAI 30465
Online recording:
Francesca Lombardi Mazzulli (video)
Examples 4.2–3. Monteverdi, Il combattimento di Tancredi e Clorinda
Monteverdi: Combattimento di Tancredi & Clorinda. Akademia Ensemble; Françoise Laserre, dir. Zig Zag Territoires, 2005. ZZT 051003
Monteverdi: Ottavo libro dei madrigali. Vol. II. Concerto Italiano; Rinaldo Alessandrini, dir. Paris: Opus 111, 1998. OPS 30-196
Claudio Monteverdi: Il combattimento di Tancredi e Clorinda; Lamento d’Arianna; Lamento d’Olimpia. Nigel Rogers, tenor; Musica Antiqua Köln. Hamburg: Polydor International, 1981. Archiv Produktion 415 296-2; ARC-415296-2 Deutsche Grammophon
Online recording:
Nederlandse Opera (video)
Examples 4.4–6. Monteverdi: L’incoronazione di Poppea
Monteverdi: L’incoronazione di Poppea. DVD. Anne Sofie von Otter;, Mireille Delunsch; Les Musiciens du Louvre; Marc Minkowski, dir. Bel Air Classiques, 2006.
Monteverdi: L’incoronazione di Poppea. Arleen Auger, Sarah Leonard, sopranos; Della Jones, Linda Hirst, mezzo-sopranos; James Bowman, countertenor; Gregory Reinhart, bass ; supporting soloists; City of London Baroque Sinfonia; Richard Hickox, conductor. London: Virgin Classics, 1990. 7243 5 45082 2 6 Virgin Classics; 7243 5 45083 2 5 Virgin Classics; 7243 5 45084 2 4 Virgin Classics; 7243 5 45085 2 3 Virgin Classics; VCT 5 45082 2 Virgin Classics; CDCC 5 45082 2 Virgin Classics; 5 45082 2 Virgin Classics; 5 45083 2 Virgin Classics; 5 45084 2 Virgin Classics; 5 45085 2 Virgin Classics
Claudio Monteverdi: L’incoronazione di Poppea: opera in un prologo e tre atti. Carmen Balthrop, Judith Nelson, sopranos; Andrea Bierbaum, Carolyn Watkinson, mezzo-sopranos; Henri Ledroit, countertenor; Ulrik Cold, bass; Il Complesso Barocco; Alan Curtis, dir. Italy: Fonit Cetra Italia, 1994. CDC 76 Fonit Cetra
Online recording:
Les Musiciens du Louvre (video of the complete opera)
Example 4.7. Cavalli, Giasone
Cavalli: Il Giasone. Christophe Dumaux, Katarina Bradić, Robin Johannsen; Vlaamse Opera; Federico Maria Sardelli, dir. Dynamic, 2010. CDS 663/1–3. Also released on DVD
Online recording:
Federico Maria Sardelli (video, incantation scene—not the present example)
Example 5.2. Purcell, Dido and Aeneas
Henry Purcell: Dido and Aeneas. Emma Kirkby, Judith Nelson, Judith Rees, sopranos; Jantina Noorman, mezzo-soprano; David Thomas, bass-baritone; Taverner Choir; Taverner Players; Andrew Parrott, dir. London: Chandos Records, 1981. CHAN 8306
Henry Purcell: Dido and Aeneas. Maria Ewing and Rebecca Evans, sopranos; Sally Burgess, mezzo-soprano; Karl Daymond, baritone; Collegium Musicum 90; Richard Hickox, dir. Colchester: Chandos Records, 1995. CHAN 0586 Chandos Records; Chandos. CHAN 0586
Purcell: Dido and Aeneas. Guillemette Laurens, Jill Feldman, Philippe Cantor; Les Arts Florissants; William Christie, dir. Saint-Michel de Provence: Harmonia Mundi, 1986. HMC 905173
Online recording:
Emma Kirkby (video)
Example 6.1. Guédron, Vous que le bonheur rappelle
Robert Dowland: A Musicall Banquet (1610). Consort of Musicke; Anthony Rooley, dir. London: Éditions de l’Oiseau-Lyre, 1979. Oiseau-Lyre DSLO 555
Example 7.1   G. Gabrieli, Ego sum qui sum
The opening of this work is similar (but not identical) to the setting of the same text by Andrea Gabrieli, uncle of the composer. A performance of Andrea’s setting by an unidentified ensemble is available online here.
Example 7.2. Gabrieli, Canzon III septimi toni (1597)
Giovanni Gabrieli: The Canzonas and sonatas from Sacrae Symphoniae 1597. His Majestys Sagbutts and Cornetts; Timothy Roberts, dir. Hyperion, 1997. CDA66908.
A number of videos have been posted online showing performances of this work by modern brass ensembles, but none using period instruments of which I am aware.
Example 7.3. Gabrieli, Sonata con tre violini (1615)
The Feast of San Rocco, Venice, 1608. La Capella Ducale; Musica Fiata Köln; Roland Wilson, dir. New York: Sony Classical, 1995. S2K 66254 Sony Classical; 64591 Sony Classical; 64592 Sony Classical
Giovanni Gabrieli: Canzonas; Sonatas; Motets. Taverner Consort, Choir and Players; Andrew Parrott, dir. Hayes, Middlesex: EMI, 1991. EMI Classics D135132
Venice preserv’d. Emma Kirkby, Judith Nelson, sopranos; Nigel Rogers, tenor; Academy of Ancient Music; Christopher Hogwood, dir. London: Editions de l’Oiseau-Lyre, [1990], 1980. 425 891-2 Oiseau-Lyre; 425891 Oiseau-Lyre
Online recording:
Zohar Alon et al. (video)
Example 7.4. Schütz, Herr, neige deine Himmel
Schütz: Symphoniae sacrae II. Musica Fiata; Roland Wilson, dir. Sony, 1997. Vivarte 68261.
Schütz: Symphoniae sacrae, op. 10. Richard Wistreich, Stephen Varcoe, basses; The Purcell Quartet. Colchester: Chandos, 1994. CHAN 0566/7
Examples 7.5–6. Lalande, De profundis
Michel-Richard de Lalande: Regina coeli, De profundis, Cantate Domino. Ex Cathedra; Jeffrey Skidmore, dir. London: ASV (Academy Sound and Vision), 1995. CD GAU 141 (Gaudeamus)
De Lalande: De profundis [et al.]. Choir of New College Oxford; Edward Higginbottom, dir. Erato
Example 8.1. Rameau, Laboravi clamans
Jean-Philippe Rameau: Grands motets. Chœurs et Orchestre de la Chapelle Royale; Philippe Herreweghe, dir. Saint-Michel de Provence: Harmonia Mundi, 1982. HM 1078
Example 8.3. Rameau, Hippolyte et Aricie
Jean Philippe Rameau: Hippolyte et Aricie. Les Arts Florissants; William Christie, dir. Erato, 2012. Erato 2564 66305-2.
Jean Philippe Rameau: Hippolyte et Aricie. Solistes du Studio Versailles Opéra; Les Musiciens du Louvre; Marc Minkowski, dir. Hamburg: Deutsche Grammophon, 1995. 445 853-2 Archiv Produkution
Online recording:
Concert d’Astrée (video, Paris Opera, trio des Parques)
Example 9.6. Handel, Lotario
Handel: Lotario. Il Complesso Barocco. Alan Curtis, dir. Deutsche Harmonia Mundi, 2004.
Example 9.7. Franz Wenzel Habermann, Missa III from Philomela pia
Example 10.1a. Anonymous variations on a ceccona (chaconne) for archlute, from a manuscript partly in the hand of the composer and lutenist Andrea Falconieri
Example 10.1b. Passacalli passeggiati (harmonic pattern for a passacaglia) for guitar, from Giovanni Ambrosio Colonna, Intavolatura di chitarra alla spagnuola
Example 10.2a. Kapsberger, Passacaglia in D minor for theorbo, from Libro quarto d’intavolatura di chitar[r]one
Example 10.2b. Francesco Corbetta, Passachaglie in F for guitar, from Vari capricii
Example 10.3. Ennemond Gaultier, Courante “L’immortelle,” mm. 1–12
See under Selection 19 in Part 1.
Example 10.4. Giovanni Gabrieli, Intonazione del secondo tono (complete)
Example 10.5. Frescobaldi, Partite sopra l’Aria della Romanesca
Frescobaldi: Toccate d’intavolatura di cimbalo et organo. Libro primo. Rinaldo Alessandrini, harpsichord and organ. [Metz]: Arcana, 1993. A 904 Arcana; A 51 Arcana; A 52 Arcana
Example 10.6. D’Anglebert, Passacaille from Armide
Jean-Henri d’Anglebert: Pièces de clavecin. Arthur Haas, harpsichord. Wildboar
Pièces de Jean-Baptiste Lully elaborées pour clavecin par Jean-Henry d’Anglebert. Kenneth Gilbert, harpsichord. Arles: Harmonia Mundi France, 1987. HMC 901267 Harmonia Mundi France
Example 10.7. Froberger, Meditation sur ma mort future, from Suite 20 in D
J. J. Froberger: Pour passer la mélancolie (Froberger Edition, vol. 4). Bob van Asperen, harpsichord. 2004. Aeolus AE10074
Johann Jakob Froberger: The Complete Keyboard Works, vol. 4. Richard Egarr, harpsichord. Globe GLO-6025
Example 10.8. Jacquet de La Guerre, Suite in A minor, prélude, opening (possible performance)
See under Selection 21 in Part 1.
Example 10.9. Jacquet de La Guerre, Suite in A minor
See under Selection 21 in Part 1.
Example 11.1a. Johann Hermann Schein, Nun bitten wir den heiligen Geist, four-part chorale setting from Cantional (1627)
Example 11.1b. Buxtehude, Nun bitten wir den heiligen Geist, BuxWV 208
Intégrale de l’œuvre d’orgue. René Saorgin, organ. Saint-Michel de Provence: Harmonia Mundi, 197-. HM 505(7).
Buxtehude: Œuvres pour orgue. Marie-Claire Alain, organ. [France]: Erato, 1988. ECD 75370 Erato; ECD 74371 Erato; ECD 74372 Erato; ECD 75373
Examples 11.2a and 11.2b. Rameau, Les trois mains and L’Egyptienne
Werke für Cembalo. Kenneth Gilbert, harpsichord. Archiv, p1977. 2710 020 (2533 352-2533 354) Archiv
Example 11.3. Domenico Scarlatti, Sonatas in A, K. 181 and 182
Domenico Scarlatti: L’œuvre pour clavier. Scott Ross, harpsichord and organ. France: Erato, p1988. 2292-45309-2 Erato; ECD 75401 Erato; 45309 Erato
Example 12.1a. Castello, Sonata terza a 2 from Sonate concertate, book 2
Dario Castello: Sonate concertate in stil moderno, libro secondo. Musica Fiorita; Daniela Dolci, dir. Bologna: Tactus, 2006. TC 590301
Example 12.1b. Castello, Sonata ottava a 2, from Sonate concertate, book 1
Dario Castello; Giovanni Battista Fontana: Sonate concertate in stil moderno. Johall Hoolway, Lars Ulrik Mortensen, Jane Gower. ECM New Series, 2012. ECM 2106.
Example 12.2. Salamone Rossi, Sonata in dialogo La Viena
Rossi and His Circle. REBEL (Jörg-Michael Schwarz, Karen Marie Marmer, violins; Susie Napper, violoncello; Eric Milnes, harpsichord, organ; Mike Fentross, chitarrone, Baroque guitar). New York: Dorian, 1999. DOR-93184 Dorian
Musique judeo-baroque. The Boston Camerata; Joel Cohen, dir. Arles: Harmonia Mundi, 1979. HMA 1901021
Example 12.3. Castello, Sonata decima a 3, from Sonate concertate, book 2
Dario Castello: Sonate concertate in stil moderno, libro secondo. Musica Fiorita; Daniela Dolci, dir. Bologna: Tactus, 2006. TC 590301
The Floating City: Sonatas, Canzonas, and Dances By Two of Monteverdi’s Contemporaries. His Majestys Sagbutts and Cornetts. London: Hyperion, 1997. CDA 67013
Example 12.4. Michel de La Barre, Première Sonate, from Troisième livre des trio
En trio: French Baroque Trio Sonatas for Two Flutes and Basse Continue. The Hannoverian Ensemble. MSR Classics
Example 12.5a. Quantz, Sonata in G minor for flute and keyboard, QV 2: 35
Johann Joachim Quantz: Flute Sonatas. Mary Oleskiewicz, flute; David Schulenberg, harpsichord. Budapest: Hungaroton, 2011. HCD 32617
Example 12.5b. Quantz, Quartet in E minor for flute, violin, viola, and continuo, QV 4: 9
Johann Joachim Quantz: Six Flute Quartets. Mary Oleskiewicz, flute; Elizabeth Field, violin; Daniel Elyar, viola; Stephanie Vial, cello; David Schulenberg, harpsichord. Hungaroton 32286
Example 12.6. J. S. Bach, Sonata 2 in A minor for unaccompanied violin, BWV 1003
Bach: Sonatas and Partitas for Solo Violin. Jaap Schröder. Naxos.
J. S. Bach: Sonatas and Partitas. Monica Huggett. Virgin Veritas
Bach: Sonatas and Partitas for Solo Violin. Elizabeth Wallfisch. Hyperion.
Although there are numerous online videos of performances of this movement (the fugue) on guitar, modern violin, and even piano (in the transcription attributed to Bach), there appear to be none demonstrating its performance on baroque violin.
Example 12.7. Marini, Sonata IV per sonar con due corde per violino solo, from Sonate, op. 8
Marini: Curiose e moderne inventioni. Romanesca; Andrew Manze, dir. Arles: Harmonia Mundi, 1997. HMX 2907175
Biagio Marini: Opus 8, Con curiose e moderne inventioni. CordArte. Goseck: Raumklang (Bayerischer Rundfunk), 2004. RK 2306
In stile moderno: The Fantastic Style in Early Seventeenth-Century Italy. Ingrid Matthews, violin; Byron Schenkman, harpsichord. San Francisco: Wildboar, 1995 (distribution: Harmonia Mundi USA). WLBR9512
Example 12.8. Marco Uccellini, Sonata 18 a doi violini, from Sonate, book 4 (Modena, 1645)
Uccellini: “La bergamesca.” The Arcadian Academy; Nicholas McGegan, dir. Arles: Harmonia Mundi, 1993. HMX 2907066
Examples 12.9–10. Biber, “Mystery” Sonatas 10 and 11
Biber: The Mystery of the Rosary. Andrew Manze, violin; Richard Egarr, harpsichord. Harmonia Mundi, 2004. HMU 907321.22.
Heinrich Ignaz Franz Biber: Rosenkranz-Sonaten. Musica Antiqua Köln (Reinhard Goebel, violin, et al.). Hamburg : Archiv Produktion, p1991. Archiv Produktion 431 656-2; Archiv Produktion 431 657-2; Archiv Produktion 431 658-2; 431656 Archiv
Online recording:
unidentified violinist (video, opening of Sonata 10 = Example 12.9)
Examples 12.11–12. Corelli, Sonata in D, op. 2, no. 1
Arcangelo Corelli: Sonatas for Strings. Vol. 1. The Purcell Quartet. London: Chandos, p1991. CHAN 0516
Arcangelo Corelli: Sonate da camera op. 2; Sonate da camera op. 4. London Baroque (Ingrid Seifert, Richard Gwilt, violins; Charles Medlam, violoncello; Lars Ulrik Mortensen, harpsichord). Arles: Harmonia Mundi France, p1991. HMC 901342-HMC 901343
Example 14.1. Pergolesi, duet “Per te ho nel core” from the opera Flaminio (1735)
Pergolesi: La serva padrona. Maddalena Bonifaccio, sop.; Siegmund Nimsgern, bass; Collegium Aureum. Freiburg: Harmonia Mundi, 1969. 77184-2-RC Deutsche Harmonia Mundi
Example 14.2. Domenico Alberti, Sonata in E♭, second movement, mm. 1–4
Example 14.3. Johann Adolpf Hasse, Cleofide
J.A. Hasse: Cleofide. Emma Kirkby, Agnes Mellon, Randall K. Wong, sopranos; Derek Lee Ragin, Dominique Visse, David Cordier, altos; Cappella Coloniensis; William Christie, dir. Königsdorf: Capriccio, 1987. 10 139/96 Capriccio; 10 193 Capriccio; 10 194 Capriccio; 10 195 Capriccio; 10 196 Capriccio
Example 14.4–6. Telemann, Nouveaux quatuors, no. 6
Paris Quartets. Wilbert Hazelzet, flute; Trio Sonnerie. London: Virgin Classics, 1992. 91450 Virgin
G. P. Telemann: Quatuors parisiens, Vol. 2. Pariser Quartett (Gérard Scharapan, flute, et al.). Adda (distributed by Qualiton), 1988. 581037 Adda
Georg Philipp Telemann: Concerti, Quartets, and Trios in the French and Italian Manner [sic]. Aulos Ensemble. Tinton Falls, NJ: Musical Heritage Society, 1981. MHS 4477 Musical Heritage Society
Example 14.7. C. P. E. Bach, “Württemberg” Sonata no. 1 in A minor, W. 49/1
C. P. E. Bach: The Solo Keyboard Music, vol. 16: “Württemberg Sonatas (I).” Miklós Spányi, clavichord. BIS 1423.
C. P. E. Bach: Sechs Württemburgische Sonaten. Bob van Asperen, harpsichord. Elektra/Wea, 1993 (= Teldec 9031-77623-2, 1978?).
Click below for concert performances by the author; both performances incorporate the author’s embellishments (varied reprises) for repeated sections; the two different cadenzas used in the slow movement are both by C.P.E. Bach.
performed on the clavichord (Boston Clavichord Society, Cambridge, Mass., April 19, 2009):
I. Moderato
II. Andante
III. Allegro assai
performed on the harpsichord (Boston Early Music Festival, Boston, June 12, 2009):
I. Moderato
II. Andante
III. Allegro assai
Examples 14.8–10. C. P. E. Bach, Concerto in D minor, W. 23
C. P. E. Bach: Harpsicord Concertos. Miklós Spányi, harpsichord; Concerto Armonico. Budapest: Hungaroton, 1989. HCD 31159
C. Ph. E. Bach: Concerti Wq 46; Wq 23; Wq 165. Gustav Leonhardt, harpsichord; Collegium Aureum. Freiburg: Harmonia Mundi, 1988. Deutsche Harmonia Mundi Editio Classica 77061-2-RG