This page contains useful links for students in Music 102 (Introduction to Music) and other courses.
A guide to style and format (including footnotes and bibliographies) in college papers
Links to concert listings that may be helpful in selecting the topic of your concert report
Orchestral instruments. A number of websites will introduce you to the sounds and appearance of commonly used musical instruments. Most are primarily for children. Here is a relatively sophisticated one from an orchestra in Great Britain:
You can also find videos on YouTube that may be useful; here is one example:
CAUTION: Don’t believe everything you see about instruments on webpages and in videos. Very few of these have been created by professional organologists (scholars who study the history of instruments), and they tend to get things wrong, especially about the history of instruments. For more detailed information, look up the names of individual instruments in Grove Music Online!
Last updated Jan. 4, 2023